Sunday, January 11, 2015

Monday Matters #9
In the fall, an epidemic was rumored to be spreading around. That epidemic was Ebola. Ebola originated in Africa and is known for making infected people suffer and eventually die. Rumors have developed claiming that Ebola has spread to the United States. Many people are preparing for the worst. Hospitals throughout the country have developed Ebola care sections. Many people believe that Ebola will kill many people.
Many people claim that Americans are overreacting due to the fact that many people have died from Ebola. In the United States, a person can count the amount of people infected with Ebola on two hands and still have fingers to spare. It is not a realistic threat in the United States according to CNN. According to the article, people should be more concerned about getting a flu shot than about Ebola.
It is said that the fear of Ebola is an irrational fear to begin with, but the media has blown it up to extreme proportions. There are honest and true facts about the Ebola epidemic, and there is the media's interpretation on it. Although the media may display the truth about Ebola, they tend to question the facts and claim that experts are not telling the truth. Click here to read the article.

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